February 2023


Helping People See Their Value:

A Word From Caleb

Greetings Friends,

A few weeks ago I was filling up my coffee in the parking lot when I crossed paths with a neighbor starting our workforce program. She had been experiencing houselessness for a while. She told me about the goals she hoped to accomplish and the changes she hoped to make. She paused and remarked, “I’m tired of being a loser.” I flippantly responded and started walking back… when my hand touched the door handle I was struck with one of our values at Cultivate Initiatives - “Help People See the Value in Their Lives”.  I slowed down, turned around, and listened more to this neighbor of mine, eventually offering some thoughts about her being a person of unique value and worth. Without an understanding of one’s own value, services and programs become transactional and less effective. No matter how many great “services” or “programs” we provide, if it’s not driven by slowing down, listening, and helping people see the value in their own lives, then we ain’t doing it right.

Thank YOU for being part of helping people see their value. 

For & WITH
Caleb Coder, Executive Director


291 Safe From the Storm!


Last month, Portland saw the largest snowfall our city has recorded in 80 years! We worked with our community partners and volunteers to mobilize an emergency warming shelter. Here is a neighbor’s perspective.


To provide warmth, safety, and community, our team served 291 people, with over 100 people spending each night with us. 


Special thanks to the many volunteers who joined to make this possible, in addition to Multnomah County and The City of Portland’s East Portland Community Center for our continued partnership.


A Big Transition

We are sad to let you know that Y Rosborough will be stepping away from her role as the Housing and Shelter Director. As a co-founder of Cultivate Initiatives, Y is part of the heart and soul of this organization. We appreciate all that she has given of herself to help grow this group of people. As this season draws to a close, we extend our very best wishes to her and her beloved dog Hades.


How can you join in the change?

Don’t forget that you can still double your impact throughout this year! The Americas Foundation’s generosity adds an extra dollar to every dollar you donate. So if you donate $50, that’s $100 total going towards our initiatives. There’s never been a better time to become a monthly donor.


March 2023


January 2023