September 2022


No longer houseless. 

Dear Friends,

For the first time in years, many of our neighbors are no longer houseless and we’re so thrilled to tell you about it. 

For many people experiencing houselessness, getting into housing requires more than just paying the rent. There are barriers that stand in the way, such as rental history, houselessness, incarceration, credit scores, debt, and more. 

To help with this, we provided rent assistance and partnered with landlords willing to overlook these barriers, in partnership with Multnomah County's Move-In Multnomah Project. In order to get this project started, we leaned on you all and your financial generosity made a huge impact: 

You helped 71 neighbors get into safe and stable housing!

This 71 includes adults, seniors and children. Some had been houseless for decades and some had been houseless for weeks. As they transition into housing, we know that four walls and a roof aren’t the end of the story. We provide retention services and support to these newly housed neighbors, despite having limited funding for it.

Thank you for being part of this massive change!

Jessica’s Housing Story

“When you’re homeless, you can find the material things you need - but it’s hard to find someone who will stick with you to get over your barriers. Someone who can reach down and pick you up out of the hole and make sure you don’t stay in there.” - Jessica Perry

Watch Jessica Perry, Peer Support Specialist at CI speak about her journey out of houselessness and the importance of permanent housing. 


Join in the Change.

With our 50-home tiny village opening soon, we will continue to support neighbors transitioning from the streets into housing. You can with join us in this effort: 


October 2022


August 2022